Pikes Peak Real Estate


The PPREF Workforce Housing Fund

PPREF created the Workforce Housing Fund to pool investments from partner foundations into program related investments (PRIs) for new workforce housing projects.

The Fund is a revolving loan fund. Awards to projects are expected to be returned with interest when construction financing is closed. The terms and rate of the loan are negotiable depending on the project’s scope and timeline.

Key Fund Information

2023 Request for Applications

The 2023 RFA can be found here.

Funding prioritizes projects seeking tax credit support (LIHTC) from the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority.

Funds are strictly for predevelopment planning and not for construction costs.

2023 Participating Funders

  • Pikes Peak Real Estate Foundation
  • The Myron Stratton Home
  • Colorado Springs Health Foundation
  • The Moniker Foundation
  • Clay Taylor Fund of Pikes Peak Community Foundation

2023 Key Dates

Applications Due: July 12

Project Meetings: July 21

Project Investments Finalized: July 30