With the outbreak of COVID19, the nonprofit sector, as with the business and public sectors, has been hit hard as demand for services and subsequent costs to provide those services has increased. The Emergency Relief Fund, activated when a state of emergency is declared by the state or a municipal agency, is designed to make giving to support nonprofits impacted by this event easy for donors and for impacted nonprofits to apply for funding.
The COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund is no longer accepting grant applications. We wish to express our deepest gratitude to the donors who gave more than $1 million dollars to the fund.
COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund Supporters
- Dan and Sigrid Alexander
- Rick Allen
- Michelle Allen
- Jim & Jane Anderson
- Annonymous Fund of PPCF
- Arlen and Anna Fund
- Sandy Ascarelli
- Patricia Asher
- Liam Aubrey
- Peter and Cindy Aubrey
- Irene Babcock
- Barbara Badgett
- Bruce Bargers
- Jan Barrett
- James Barry
- Larry & Jacki Bartley
- Thomas & Kathlenn Bates
- Battersby Fund of PPCF
- Beal Family Fund of PPCF
- Suzette Beaver
- Jo Bell
- Mary Bellesi
- Sarah Bellew
- Bellingham Family
- Carol Benight
- Allen & Dede Benning
- Peter Bichsel
- Kirsten Bilzing
- Scott & Ann Blackmun
- Meghan Blades
- Boggs Family Fund of PPCF
- Kathleen Bohanon
- Dana Bohnenkamp
- Beatrice Boland
- Heidi Boone-Smith
- Kent Borges & Stephanie Dicenzo
- William & Kathleen Box
- Gary & Anne Bradley
- Robert Breitstein
- Broadcom, Inc
- Martin Bruce
- Anne Bruckman
- Gary Buchanan
- Michelle Bull
- Richard & Patricia Burdick
- John & Pamela Burkholder
- Fotios & Joan Burtzos
- Deborah Butkus
- Butlak Benevolent Fund of PPCF
- Butterworth Family Fund of PPCF
- Beth Byer
- Tim & Debbie Caldwell
- Amanda Calhoun
- Timothy & Colleen Cameron
- Charlie Campbell & Deborah Adams
- Campbell Family Fund of PPCF
- John Cantlin
- Ken Carlsen
- Catherine Carr
- Catharine Beecher Fund of PPCF
- Celebration of Life Fund of PPCF
- Linda Cervene
- Michael & Catherine Chebuhar
- Emerson Cheever
- Z-Ean Chung
- Samuel Clark & Jess Wise
- Gregory Clough
- Kay Coats
- Colorado Springs Health Foundation
- Matthew Compton
- Dawn Conley
- Connie Schmidt Fund of PPCF
- Bobbie Contreras
- Stanley Cook
- Coonley Charitable Fund
- Raymond & Margaret Cornell
- Couples Who Care Fund of PPCF
- John Cox
- Leonie Cramer
- Kathy Crandall
- James Crompton
- Pam Cutcliff
- Martha D'Ambrosio
- Damman Family Fund of PPCF
- Tanya Dantzler
- Katherine Davis
- Patrick Davis
- Jeffrey Davis
- Gary & Susan Dean
- Rebecca Decker
- Cathy DeMichele
- John & Janice Demmon
- Andre DeMoor
- Charles & Carolyn Denham
- Dheeraj Dhorte
- Rachel Dietz
- Diana DiMara
- Dorothy Ditton
- Robert Dixon
- Leah Dolan-Kelley
- Alysia Dong
- Dr. Karl and Margaret-Patricia Larsen Fund of PPCF
- Draper Family Giving Fund
- Phil Drotar
- Denise Drury
- Dean Duckwitz
- Isabel Dufford
- Patricia Duffy
- Dawn DuMoulin
- Dana Durkee
- Barbara Dyess
- Cassie Eacker
- Edson Foundation of PPCF
- Kurt & Erin Eilmes
- Jordyn Elkins
- Spencer Ellis
- ERC Helping Hands Fund
- ERC, Inc.
- Evelyn S and Rennau H Ross Memorial Fund
- Everett Charitable Fund of PPCF
- Beverly Fallis
- Janet Farley
- John & Millie Farquhar
- Norman & Denise Farrar
- Joan Ferguson
- Viviana Fernandez
- Dan Floersch
- David Flynn
- Kent & Stephannie Fortune
- Vicki Fox
- L Ann Frank
- Elizabeth Fredrickson
- Kelli Freeman
- Lauren Fuller
- Clifford Gardner
- Gazette Charities
- Tim Geisler
- GenPeg Fund
- A. J. Gerathy, Jr.
- Connie Gibbons
- Gift4Giving Program Fund
- Robert Giles
- Michelle Gilman
- Patrick & Carol Going
- Monica Gomez
- Katie Gonzalez
- Nancy Goodwin
- Alan Siegel & Edie Greene
- Griffis/Blessing Charitable Fund of PPCF
- Debra Gross
- Maddie Guillory
- H.A. and Mary K. Chapman Charitable Trust
- Gary & Judith Hagge
- Half the Sky Fund of PPCF
- Kate Hall
- Judy Haller
- Catherine Hanchett
- Diane Hansen
- Cathy Harrington
- Jim & Gigi Harris
- Jean Harris
- Sigrid Harrison
- Harry and Marianne Martin Fund of PPCF
- Mark Hartman
- Deborah Hartman
- Sara Hartup
- Harvski Fund of PPCF
- Ronald Heitz
- John Hejrzog
- John & Gay Helinski
- Tara Hickey
- Carl and Carol Hickling
- High Plains Church Unitarian Universalist
- Kristine Hill
- Hille Family Fund of PPCF
- Ernie & Jeanie Hinck
- Donna Hines
- Josh & Bree Hobgood
- Sheralyn Hoffman
- Margaret Hunter
- Al Hurlburt
- Kathleen Hybl
- Joel Imrie
- Carrie Ingersoll
- James and Margeret Strub Fund of PPCF
- Dan Jenkinson
- Joan B. Frederick Fund of PPCF
- John and Eileen Hickman Fund of PPCF
- John and Margot Lane Foundation
- Daniel Johnson
- Todd Johnson
- Brian Johnson
- Jennifer Jones
- Steven Jordan
- Joseph Henry Edmondson Foundation
- Mike & Maureen Juran
- Kahala Fund of PPCF
- Shiryl Kaplan
- Laura Karan
- Katalytic Foundation
- Tanya Keller
- Thomas & Laurie Kennedy
- Keybank Foundation
- Steven &Sheryl Kiel
- Philip & Mary Kiemel
- William Kim
- Dee Kinsey
- John & Sandy Koch
- Tiffany Koch
- Carolyn Kochis
- Linda Kraft
- Douglas Krieger
- Susan & Evangelos Krokidis
- Melissa Kumar
- Kupko Family Fund of PPCF
- L & L Family Fund
- Robert Lanane
- Nancy Landes
- Joseph LaRose
- Carmina Lass
- Linda Lawson
- Haleigh Leasure
- Rosemarie LeBlanc
- Legpwr Endowment Fund of PPCF
- Beth Lemesany
- John Lindblom
- Lindsay-Brisbin Fund of PPCF
- Sheila Lockwood
- Carol and Manuel Lopez
- Nicola Ludwig
- Bree Lue
- Sharon Luehring
- Andrew Lyon
- John & Karen Mack
- Marsha Magnone
- Deb Mahan
- Victor Malone
- Sean Mandel
- Susan Mandell
- Jamie Martin
- Peggy Matteri
- Vicki McCann
- Jill McCormick & Peter Frantz
- Colleen McCrary
- Sharon McCray
- David & Dana McDermott
- Linnea McDonald
- Pat McKay
- Jessica McKenney
- Carol McKinney
- Jon & Becky Medved
- Steven Merkel
- Bradley Middaugh
- Heidi & Frank Miles
- Faith Miller
- Mohl Family Fund of PPCF
- Gay Monaco
- Moniker Foundation
- Myra Montoya
- David Moon
- Roma Bowen
- Pam Moore
- CJ Moore
- Tamra Moore
- Michael Moore
- Nelson Moreno
- Michael Morgan
- Gary Moring
- William Morris
- Gary Morse
- Jean Muller
- Ralph & Ginger Munoz
- Thomas & Emily Murawski
- Myron Stratton Home
- Heather Nelson
- Nettles Charitable Fund
- Jaime Noah
- Dawn Nonan
- Nor'wood Fund of PPCF
- Angela Novosel
- Robert &Nancy Nuttelman
- O'Bryant Family Fund of PPCF
- Susan O'Connell
- Brian & Dede O'Donnell
- Michael O'Toole
- William Oliver
- Sara Oliver
- John & Jo Ann Orsborn
- Stephen Osborn
- Stacy Oseland
- Julia Overturf
- Patricia Padilla
- Darlene Palacio
- Jane Pappas
- Ed and Carol Paris
- Sara Parks
- Aanal Patel
- Josie Payne
- Ben Pearman
- Perkins Family Fund
- Jill Peterson
- Allison Peterson
- Petritz Family Fund of PPCF
- Catherine Petrovich
- Lisa Pibal
- Pikes Peak United Way/El Pomar Emergency Assistance Fund
- Julie Pilant
- Emma Pinell
- Thomas Plumb
- Patrick Plumber
- Herman & Eleanor Polich
- Javier Popoca
- Heather Porter-Cornell
- Edward Powers
- Gordon Preller
- Pressman Family Fund of PPCF
- Suzanne Price
- Randy & Judith Quick
- Orville Raabe
- Patrice Ravenscroft
- Sandra Reader
- Steve & Darlene Recca
- Jason Reed
- Ximena Ann Reedy
- Margaret Remple
- Jeff Rice
- J Richards
- Frederick Rico
- Cerne Rieves
- Kristan Rigdon
- David Roberts
- Kenneth Roberts
- John & Norma Robinson
- Jo Romett
- Ronald and Judith A. Palmer Fund of PPCF
- Jim Ross
- Sally Rothstein
- Kathleen Rowland
- C.H. Rudolphi
- James & Romella Ryan
- Frances Sanchez-Jones
- Julie Sanford
- Erica Sanford
- Kim Sannes
- Rodney Sato
- Kim Sayers-Newlin
- Michael Scandrett
- Liesl Schmidt
- Fred Schneider
- Stephen Schnurr & Diana Miller
- Chris Schoenfelder
- Mary Jo Schoolmaster
- Jason & Jennifer Schreuder
- Monica & Ed Scott
- Ronald Scott
- Deborah Scott
- Robert Scott
- Stephen & Constance Seiler
- September 7th Fund of PPCF
- Robert & Kathleen Shafer
- Share the Joy Fund of PPCF
- Shell Oil Company Foundation
- Steve Shepard
- Susan Shepherd
- Pam Shockley-Zalabak
- Mel Simmons
- Gerald Simonson
- Martha Slayden
- Julie Smith
- Linda Lou Smith
- Ira Sparer
- Barbara Spiller
- Ann Spong
- Matt Steed
- Richard StefankoJulie & Matt Stephen
- Donna Sterns
- Shawn & Cindy Stickel
- Jill Stift
- Marian Stone
- Terry Storm
- Mark & Kristine Strauch
- Kay Stricklan
- Strub Heer Fund of PPCF
- Akira & Kiyo Sugimura
- Alex & Jennifer Sullivan
- Susan B. Potterat Charitable Fund
- Mayor & Janet Suthers
- Eric & Cathy Swab
- Cheri Swagger
- Hiro Takei
- James Taylor
- Team Sung Fund of PPCF
- Darryl & Terri Thatcher
- The Bloom Foundation
- The Colorado Trust
- The Leighty Foundation
- Lisa Thomas
- Gerry and Cheryl Tolley
- James Toth
- Kathy Trapp
- Amy Triandiflou & Jesse Hull
- Sarah Troemel
- Bryan Turrell
- Melani & Thayer Tutt
- James Uram
- US Bank Foundation
- Jesse Valdez
- Jeremy & Barb Van Hoy
- Delya Waldon
- Charlotte Wallace
- Jacqueline Walsh
- Leo Walter
- Christine Warfield
- Robert Warner
- Jean Washburn
- Daniel Webb
- Meghan Weismiller
- Kim Wellington
- Richard & Paula Wenham
- Wes and Charlotte Howard Fund of PPCF
- Helen West
Our Grantees
For a full list of nonprofits, organizations, and projects who have received grants from the Emergency Relief Fund, download the list below.