Support a Fund
Funds with a Targeted Purpose
In addition to holding individual funds, we administer many funds created for a designated purpose. These funds may have grown out of the want to enhance parts of our vibrant community, a group of community members who gather to support collective giving, or the want to recognize and remember a loved one.

Pikes Peak Community Funds
Pikes Peak Community Funds pool gifts of all sizes from community members to significantly impact a specific area of interest. Grants from these funds are determined by content-specific grantmaking councils and are focused on large community initiatives.

Giving Circles
Giving Circles take a variety of forms but they share a unifying theme: community members joining together to pool their contributions to then make one sizable gift to a local charitable organization.

Memorial Funds
A memorial fund offers the ability to determine how to create a lasting legacy in honor of a loved one when they pass away.
Make a Gift Now
If you are ready to make a direct contribution to your favorite cause, you can mail a check directly to Pikes Peak Community Foundation with the fund of your choice in the memo line. You can also contribute any planned gift or other asset into one of these funds; just call us to consult more on that option. Or, you can make an online contribution using a credit card.