Community Investment

Finding Impact

We seek to act as a community partner that creates a better future for all by pursuing the community’s greatest opportunities and addressing the most critical challenges, inclusively uniting people, institutions and resources from throughout the community to produce lasting results for the good of the Pikes Peak region.

What this means

The Community Foundation is a community partner. This acknowledges that we do not act in isolation. We act in concert with other community members, sometimes taking the lead, sometimes following, sometimes paving the way for new leaders.

We seek to create a better future for all by acknowledging that our constituency is the entire community. Every issue, every cause we embrace, has some connection to the greater good.

We pursue the community’s greatest opportunities and address the most critical challenges through assembling partners and leveraging resources to accomplish long-term results for the good of the Pikes Peak region.

Other Resources

Final Grant Report

PPCF Final Grant Report

Available Grants

Learn more about our grantmaking in the Pikes Peak Region.

Learn More

      For questions, contact PPCF